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Canon Rangefinder Camera Serial Numbers

The camera featured a three-mode optical viewfinder. The viewfinder magnification could be changed depending upon the lens in use. This three-mode optical viewfinder was an original Canon design matched to the interchangeable lenses, and this specification was passed on to the future Canon 35mm rangefinder cameras. Make Offer - TESTED Canon Canonet QL17 35mm Rangefinder Film Camera Clean New Light Seals Canon model L1 35mm rangefinder camera w/ Leitz Summaron 35mm f/3.5 S#548800 $449.98.

Even for experienced collectors of Canon rangefinder cameras the naming of the various models can be frustrating. There is simply so much to remember and no obvious logic to the names. For the beginner or casual collector is seems impossible to sort out. Without Peter Dechert’s very excellent book on the Canon rangefinders we would be lost. I want to acknowledge his contribution to this utility right up front. Buy his book. It is an essential tool for the Canon collector.

Dentron mt 3000a manual. Openshot video editing software windows 10. There are 39 models of Canon classic rangefinder, give or take a couple. Freemake video converter. We are excluding the Canonets and other “point and shoot” rangefinders here and dealing with the serious photographic instruments used by serious amateurs and professionals around the world. They are, with their date of introduction, as follows:

Canon JJan 1939Canon II AMar 1952Canon L2Dec 1956
Canon NS1940Canon II DOct 1952Canon VTDFeb 1957
Canon JSApr 1945Canon II D1Oct 1952Canon L1Feb 1957
Canon J IIDec 1945Canon IV SbDec 1952Canon VTDZApr 1957
Canon S IDec 1945Canon II AFJun 1953Canon L3Oct 1957
Canon S IIOct 1946Canon II AXJun 1953Canon VLDev 1957
Canon II BJan 1949Canon II FJul 1953Canon VL2Jan 1958
Canon 1950Jul 1950Canon II SFeb 1954Canon VI-TJun 1958
Canon IIIFeb 1951Canon IV Sb2Mar 1954Canon VI-LSep 1958
Canon II CMar 1951Canon II S2Feb 1955Canon PDec 1958
Canon IVApr 1951Canon II D2Mar 1955Canon 7Jun 1961
Canon III ADec 1951Canon II F2Jun 1955Canon 7sApr 1965
Canon IV SDec 1951Canon VTApr 1956Canon 7sZAug 1967

When I have finished this “app” the names in this chart will lead you to descriptions of any of the cameras listed. But to find out which camera you have you will have to follow along answering the questions posed.

Here I have tried to create an app that makes this process easier. It is not perfect because there are many cameras out there that don’t really fit anywhere. But we can be pretty certain in most cases. By answering a few questions about the camera in your hand the idea is to tell you what you have

So let’s get started with some questions.

Canon Rangefinder Camera Serial Numbers 1

Canon Rangefinder Camera Serial Numbers

First Question:

Is there a Model Name on the Camera

Some of the later Canon rangefinders did have the model name on the camera. That name would appear on the top plate, on the front or on the bottom. If your camera has a name on it in one of these locations chose the button on the left.

Caveat: Canon has not helped this process. During production of their cameras the company often introduced changes in a model without changing the model name. Usually small changes, they did create sub categories. Added to that we have the problem of upgrades to cameras by repair personnel, either at Canon or privately, that created sub categories or even changed a model from one classification to another. These can be confusing. I will comment on these as we go but not all possibilities will be covered.

Serial Numbers: Although I mention serial number ranges for various cameras I don’t rely on them. Canon was not meticulous in assigning ranges to various models. If you find your camera falls outside the ranges given, do more research. You may have a significant variation.

The Fast Finder: You may find the explanations and guidance offered in this app too simplistic for your taste. I know the problem but I am writing for the uninitiated as well and I want to make sure we bring everyone along and that no one gets lost in the jargon. Autopano giga 4 4 1 serial key {mac os x}. However, if you know all this stuff, then use the Fast Finder. All the questions but no commentary. And if you have a question you can jump over to the Model Finder for an explanation and then jump back to the Fast Finer. The best of both worlds.

Canon Rangefinder Camera Serial Numbers Online

I am the creator of thecanoncollector.com and the contents of this website are subject to my claim of copyright. However, to be clear, I have no right to the trademarks or printed material, brochures or manuals that originate with Canon Inc. and make no claim to have such rights and I am unable to pass on any rights to these materials and trade marks. Clearview 2 0 4 – tabbed style ebook reader download.

Canon Rangefinder Camera Serial Numbers
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